Anal Warts

What is Anal Wart?
Warts formed as a result of the HPV virus settling in the anal region are called rectal warts. Anus warts can be confused with moles.
Why Does An Anus Wart Come Out?
Chronic constipation, anal fissures, removal of hair in the breech area with a razor or depilatory cream and anal intercourse cause visible or invisible cracks and irritations in this area. The disease is transmitted by the HPV virus in contact with these cracks in the breech region in any way. After the incubation period, warts occur in the breech and even in the breech. In people with HPV infection in the genital area, the infection can spread from the genital area to the breech area. It is not necessary to have anal intercourse for warts to be transmitted to the breech area. Anything that causes cracks and irritation creates a suitable environment for the HPV virus to be transmitted.
What are the Symptoms of Warts in the Anus?
Anus warts are usually manifested as medium-hard lesions that appear after intense itching, resembling flesh moles, and may be raised or flat from the skin. HPV may not show symptoms immediately after it is transmitted from the cracks in the anus. It shows symptoms 1-6 months after being infected. They can cause itching, bleeding, discharge and wetness around the anus. Warts can be scattered and small, or they can merge with each other and reach very large sizes. Warts located in the rectum can sometimes be confused with hemorrhoids and can be neglected by the patient. If the warts on the breech are not treated, they grow and spread into the breech.
Anal Wart Treatment
When warts are detected in the anal area, it is necessary to treat these warts and to determine the type of HPV virus that causes this wart, because we know that the risk of anal cancer increases in infections with high-risk oncogenic viruses.
If the wart density in the anus is low, it is possible to destroy the wart with fractional laser by numbing that area only, but general anesthesia is preferred for anal warts that have become widespread and mass.
The main rule in the treatment of warts is the effective removal of the wart. The most effective of these removal methods is the removal of warts with fractional laser. With other methods, the probability of recurrence of warts is higher than with laser.
If warts are not properly treated and their roots are not sufficiently destroyed, they may reappear. In-depth treatment is best possible with fractional laser.
Can anal warts be treated with medication?
The anal area is not a suitable area to use wart remedies. Wart remedies cause serious irritation in the anus area.
Can rectal warts be treated with cryotherapy?
The breech region is not suitable for cryotherapy. Because cryotherapy is not effective in warts extending into the anal canal.
Do rectal warts cause cancer?
In a Danish study of approximately 50000 men and women, the association of HPV with anal cancer was clearly demonstrated.
Will rectal warts reappear after treatment?
As with other genital warts, there is a possibility of recurrence. If warts occur again, the treatment is repeated in the same way.
What should we do to prevent recurrence of anal warts?
In order to prevent recurrences, it is necessary to understand the life cycle of the HPV virus well and to break this cycle. First of all, warts should be removed effectively. Apart from this, warts are not plucked, they do not bleed, epilation is not applied to the hairs in the breech area with a razor, depilatory cream or wax, not smoking, and keeping body immunity high.
Is there any treatment for anal warts during pregnancy?
There is no harm in treating anal warts with laser during pregnancy.
Tips to Prevent Anus Warts
The cracks in the anus are the most risky places in terms of contact with the HPV virus. For this reason, penile and vaginal warts should be treated effectively to prevent spread to the anal area. In addition, the use of condoms during sexual intercourse also partially prevents HPV transmission.
Some prevention methods
Anal Wart Treatment Prices
The prices of rectal wart treatment vary according to the center where the procedure is performed, the type of anesthesia, the size and prevalence of the wart. You can get price information by calling the HPV Treatment Center in Silivri. For price information, you can contact us at 0 212 986 08 22.
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