In recent years, an extremely rapid increase has been observed in the incidence of HPV infections. This rapid increase is a result of the very easy transmission of the virus. HPV causes genital warts, which are the most common sexually transmitted disease. A sexually active woman has a 75% chance of being infected with HPV in her lifetime.
Most of the infections within this scope are asymptomatic or show mild symptoms. When they show symptoms, the symptom is usually in the form of a wart in the genital area. The most vicious feature of this virus is that it settles in the cervix and insidiously causes cervical cancer, without showing symptoms in the form of warts.
Even if your smear test results are normal, your probability of being infected with HPV is 25%, if you are under 35 years of age. If there is a problem in your smear test results, your probability of carrying HPV is 50.2%.
Dr.Eser AĞAR
It is important to know the type of HPV that has caused vaginal warts. Upon the detection of a high-risk HPV, colposcopy and smear test are performed.
READ MOREHPV is thought to be transmitted to the head and neck area through oral sex. 30 percent of mouth and throat cancers is thought to be possibly associated with HPV.
READ MOREIf penile warts are neglected, plucked, cut with a razor blade, and if they are tried to be treated at home using ineffective drugs, they spread
READ MOREWarts on the hands can sometimes be neglected. Once warts are detected on the hands, they should be treated because their number may increase gradually.
READ MOREIf there is only a single wart or limited number of warts on the foot, it is possible to remove the wart(s) with laser by just numbing the application area.
READ MOREWarts may appear anywhere on the body, but they are most commonly seen on the dorsum of the hands, in areas close to the nails, and in areas where the skin is broken.
READ MOREWhen a wart or any similar condition is detected, it is definitely necessary to perform gynecological examination. The existing lesion is analyzed for warts. If the lesions are warts, they should be removed with a procedure deemed appropriate by the doctor. The most important issue that should not be ignored is whether the spouse or sexual partner has warts as well. If the patient’s spouse or sexual partner has genital warts, an appropriate treatment procedure should be performed on him/her without delay. Some types of HPV only cause warts, while some others cause both warts and cancer.
They can be observed anywhere in the body. 75% of all sexually active women are estimated to be at risk of getting infected with HPV in their lifetimes.
READ MORE80-90% of human papillomaviruses (HPV) are destroyed by defense cells within 1 to 2 years after the initial infection in the body.
READ MOREYes, HPV can cause cancer. Types such as type 16 and type 18 can cause cancer 10 to 15 years after the initial infection in the body.
READ MORERegarding HPV Vaccines, recommendations of TCSB (Turkish Ministry of Health) Cancer Department, FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) are exactly the same.
HPV vaccines have protective properties, and they are produced with recombinant technology. Two types of HPV vaccines are available in our country. Some of the vaccines contain virus-like particles for protection against HPV Type 16 and HPV Type 18. Other vaccines contain similar particles for protection against HPV Type 6, HPV Type 11, HPV Type 16 and HPV Type 18. Both HPV vaccines are given intramuscularly. Those in the 9 to 14 age group are given two doses at 0-6months, and those 15 years of age and above are given three doses at 0-1 and 6 months. Those in the 9-13 age group are given two doses at 0-6months, and those 14 years of age and above are given three doses at 0-2 and 6 months. The vaccine has been proven to be 100% effective in preventing warts caused by HPV types 6 and 11.